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ruby-jekyll-minima Beautiful, minimal and default theme for Jekyll
ruby-jekyll-paginate Built-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll
ruby-jekyll-sass-converter Basic Sass converter for Jekyll
ruby-jekyll-seo-tag Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for SEO
ruby-jekyll-watch Rebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes
ruby-jquery-rails Rails jQuery support
ruby-jsmin Ruby library for minifying JavaScript
ruby-liquid Ruby library for rendering safe templates
ruby-loofah HTML sanitizer for Rails applications
ruby-loquacious (V) Descriptive configuration files for Ruby written in Ruby
ruby-mechanize Library to automate interaction with websites
ruby-mime-types (V) Definition of MIME types for Ruby
ruby-mime-types1 (V) Definition of MIME types for Ruby
ruby-mime-types2 (V) Definition of MIME types for Ruby
ruby-multipart-post Multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
ruby-mustermann Use patterns like regular expressions
ruby-net-http-digest_auth Implementation of RFC 2617 - Digest Access Authentication
ruby-net-http-persistent Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP
ruby-ntlm-http NTLM authentication over HTTP
ruby-padrino Padrino Ruby Web framework
ruby-padrino-admin Admin Dashboard for Padrino
ruby-padrino-cache Page and fragment caching for Padrino
ruby-padrino-contrib Contributed plugins and utilities for Padrino Framework
ruby-padrino-core Padrino framework core
ruby-padrino-gen Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications
ruby-padrino-helpers Helpers for padrino
ruby-padrino-mailer Mailer system for padrino
ruby-padrino-support Support for padrino
ruby-patron Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl
ruby-puma Modern concurrent web server for Ruby
ruby-pygments.rb Pygments wrapper for ruby
ruby-rack Modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby-rack-cache HTTP Caching for Rack
ruby-rack-contrib Contributed Rack Middleware and Utilities
ruby-rack-protection Protection for against typical web attacks for Rack application
ruby-rack-rewrite Rack middleware for enforcing rewrite rules
ruby-rack-ssl Rack middleware to force SSL/TLS
ruby-rack-test Simple testing API built on Rack
ruby-rack-test06 Simple testing API built on Rack 0.6
ruby-rack14 Modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby-rack16 Modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby-rails-deprecated_sanitizer Deprecated sanitizer API extracted from Action View
ruby-rails-html-sanitizer HTML sanitizer for Rails applications
ruby-rails42 Full-stack web application framework, Rails 4.2
ruby-rails51 Full-stack web application framework, Rails 5.1
ruby-rails52 Full-stack web application framework, Rails 5.2
ruby-raindrops Real-time statistics for Rack HTTP servers
ruby-rest-client Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby inspired by Sinatra
ruby-robots Parser for robots.txt
ruby-rouge Pure-ruby colorizer based on pygments
ruby-sass Powerful, but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
ruby-sass-listen listens to file modifications and notifies
ruby-sass-rails Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
ruby-sass34 Powerful, but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
ruby-sassc Use libsass with Ruby
ruby-sawyer Secret User Agent of HTTP
ruby-selenium-webdriver Tool for writing automated tests of websites
ruby-sinatra Classy web-development dressed in a DSL
ruby-sinatra-contrib Collection of useful Sinatra extensions
ruby-sprockets (V) Rack-based asset packaging system
ruby-sprockets-rails (V) Sprockets Rails integration
ruby-staticmatic Lightweight static site framework
ruby-tag Ruby Simple HTML Tag library for CGI
ruby-uglifier (V) Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
ruby-unicorn Rack HTTP server for fast clients and Unix
ruby-url_mount Universal mounting points for rack applications
ruby-webkit-gtk Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+
ruby-webkit-gtk2 Ruby binding of WebKitGTK+ for GTK2+
ruby-webrobots Ruby library to help write robots.txt compliant web robots
ruby-websocket Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol
ruby-websocket-driver WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O
ruby-websocket-extensions Generic extension manager for WebSocket connections
ruby-webunit HTTP unit testing framework for Ruby
sassc Wrapper around libsass
screws SCRipt Enhanced Web Server
seamonkey Full-featured gecko-based browser
seamonkey-l10n Language packs for www/seamonkey
serf High-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
shibboleth-sp Shibboleth2 Service Provider
siege Website/webserver regression testing utility
sitecopy Utility for synchronizing remote and local web sites
snarf Simple command-line tool to retrieve an HTTP URL
snownews Small, curses based RSS feed reader
SOGo Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV
SOGo4 Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV
spawn-fcgi FastCGI deployment tool
spdylay Experimental SPDY protocol version 2, 3 and 3.1 implementation in C
SpeedyCGI Speed up perl scripts by running them persistently
sqtop Display active client connections for Squid
squid3 Post-Harvest_cached WWW proxy cache and accelerator
squidanalyzer Squid proxy native log analyser and reports generator
squidclamav Clamav ICAP service and redirector for Squid
squidGuard Ultrafast and free filter, redirector and access controller for Squid
squidpurge Squid cache tool to list, extract or purge objects
squidview Program which monitors and displays squid logs
squirm Redirector for the Squid Internet Object Cache
stagit Static git page generator
surfraw Shell Users' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web
swiftsurf Web proxy that can handle http and https
swiggle Lightweight image gallery generator